The Secularisation of Divine Sovereignty. Saul and Samuel – King and Prophet


  • Viorel Popa Faculty of Orthodox Theology; University of Oradea


Saul, Samuel, King, theocracy, covenant


In this study, we would try to tackle an old rabbinic dilemma, always presented in disagreement, regarding the theological legitimacy of the monarchy, if the covenant made with God remains operative and whether full sovereignty belongs only to Yahweh. Can the chosen people “ask” for a king and remain faithful to the Lord and their destiny? How far can the voice of the community go in legitimising a regime when it seems to undermine God’s rule over the chosen people? We will provide a few answers to these questions by focusing on King Saul and prophet Samuel, who were the protagonists of the advent of the monarchy within the chosen people.




How to Cite

Popa, V. (2021). The Secularisation of Divine Sovereignty. Saul and Samuel – King and Prophet. Napoca Roots, 5(1), 11–23. Retrieved from