“Israel Wilderness School” – Pattern for Discipleship in the Old Testament (God's continual Revelation of Himself to Man, for Pedagogical and Restorative Purposes)


  • Ioan Chirilă Faculty of Orthodox Theology, „Babeș-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca




Apprenticeship, Divine pedagogy, Spiritual education, Restoration, Tradition


The study explores the concept of discipleship in the Old Testament, highlighting how divine revelation continues to be a pedagogical and therapeutic process. At the centre of this process is the relationship between God and man, beginning with Adam and continuing with the patriarchs, prophets, and the people of Israel, culminating in the Christ disciple’s model. It is emphasised that the whole of revelation provides a complete model for discipleship, to guide humanity towards divine communion. The study also analyses the educational structures in Jewish society, in which the family, the royal court and scribal schools play essential roles. It discusses the biblical terminology specific to discipleship and the relationship between learning and the divine will, concluding that true religious education is about accumulating knowledge and living by God's will so that man can re-enter into a relationship with the supreme Teacher.


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How to Cite

Chirilă, I. (2024). “Israel Wilderness School” – Pattern for Discipleship in the Old Testament (God’s continual Revelation of Himself to Man, for Pedagogical and Restorative Purposes). Napoca Roots, 11(1), 13–26. https://doi.org/10.24193/ROOTS.2024.1.1