The Theological Message of the Opening Vision of Isaiah 6


  • Bogdan Șopterean Faculty of Orthodox Theology, „Babeș-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca



Angels, Seraphim, Eschatology, Remnant, God's Glory


The main objective of our present study is to underline the theological feature of Isaiah's first vision (Is 6). In the first part, the author presents some isagogic directions concerning The Book of Isaiah and its early vision. In the second part of our study, the vision from Is 6 is analysed more theologically, covering topics such as angelology, eschatology, divine glory and the prophet's ministry. The author suggests that the earthly world and the heavenly one should be viewed in a more connected way, even as a unity (this being possible only from a liturgical perspective). Is 6:9-13 contains not only the announcement of God's justice but also the promise of recompense; in Is 6, the glory of God is closely connected to the Temple from Jerusalem and the Temple emptied by the glory of God, the punishment of Israel is envisaged. Even thou God's punishment was imminent, and the prophet Isaiah was sent to “make the heart of this people dull” (Is 6:10) he never ceases to urge the people of Israel to repentance. The study concludes by highlighting the perennial character of Isaiah's revealed words. All four gospels of the New Testament connect Jesus's saying by referring at least once to Is 6:9 (Mt 13:14; Mk 4:12; Lk 8:10; Jn 12:40). This verse is also used by Paul the Apostle regarding the Jews from Rome (Acts 28:25-26). Having studied both Romanian and Western literature, the author's interpretation is characterised by historical, literary and symbolic perspectives; the goal being spiritual enrichment from the presented text.


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How to Cite

Șopterean, B. (2024). The Theological Message of the Opening Vision of Isaiah 6. Napoca Roots, 11(1), 84–99.