Jesus Christ – the Perfect Exegete of the Holy Scriptures. A few Observations about the Way the Saviour Quoted, Explained and Fulfilled the Old Testament


  • Ioan-Daniel Manolache Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest



Jesus Christ, Holy Scripture, Exegesis, Method, Old Testament


The life and activity of the Savior are closely related to the Holy Scriptures. By reading the Gospels, we constantly find Jesus Christ referring to the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms. Sometimes the Savior quotes passages from the Old Testament, while other times He briefly refers to certain events or individuals from the past to support His statements. In this study, we aim to analyse how Jesus Christ related to the Old Testament as an exegete. Using textual criticism, this research paper will succinctly demonstrate how Jesus Christ quotes, interprets, and applies the Old Testament in His public ministry. In essence, our work represents an attempt to (re)construct the image of Jesus Christ as an exegete of the Old Testament, with the hope of providing to both lay believers and professional theologians a useful and worthy model to quote, interpret, and apply the words of the Scripture.


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How to Cite

Manolache, I.-D. (2024). Jesus Christ – the Perfect Exegete of the Holy Scriptures. A few Observations about the Way the Saviour Quoted, Explained and Fulfilled the Old Testament. Napoca Roots, 11(1), 100–115.