The Teachings of Amenemope and the Book of Proverbs of Solomon (22:17-24:22)


  • Alexandru Mihăilă Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Justinian the Patriarch”, University of Bucharest



influences, connections, wisdom, Proverbs, Amenemope


The study explores the links between the Teachings of Amenemope from Ancient Egypt and the Proverbs of Solomon book. Egyptologist Erman observed the first connections. Since then, there have been hypotheses about the Proverbs author’s access to Amenemope’s text. Analysis reveals significant parallels between the two works – calls for obedience, respect for the poor and elderly, and warnings against greed. The author also highlights specific adaptations to Israelite realities and beliefs. He notes the Egyptian influence on biblical wisdom, with the author redefining this wisdom in an Israelite context. The influences point to a universalist view, transcending cultural boundaries, with the search for wisdom from diverse sources.


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Trimijopoulos, Dimitrios. -;;;;




How to Cite

Mihăilă, A. (2023). The Teachings of Amenemope and the Book of Proverbs of Solomon (22:17-24:22). Napoca Roots, 10(2), 69–81.