The Teachings of Tobit to his son Tobias


  • Iosif Stancovici Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, West University of Timisoara



Tobit, Neagoe Basarab, Family values, Education, Filial duties


The main purpose of the Book of Tobit is to promote faithfulness to the Law and authentic family values. Although it is a narrative, its purpose is educational, and it can thus be perceived as part of a long tradition of academic literature. The same can be said of a much later text, from a different cultural context: The Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to His Son Theodosius. Tob 4 contains a section of direct teaching within the Book of Tobit. In the present paper, I will compare it with the second part of The Teachings. Special emphasis is given to Tob 4:3-4 which presents Tobias' filial duties towards Anna, his mother. Based on my comparison, the fathers in both works, Tobit and Neagoe Basarab, demonstrate diligence by being committed to their roles and responsibilities as fathers, urging their sons Tobias and Theodosius to remain faithful to ancestral traditions.


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How to Cite

Stancovici, I. (2024). The Teachings of Tobit to his son Tobias. Napoca Roots, 11(1), 135–155.