Knowledge of God – as an inner human experience


  • Cătălin Vatamanu Faculty of Orthodox Theology; University of Iasi


Cuvinte cheie:

Knowledge, Wisdom, Education, Eucharist, Old Testament


From the Old Testament perspective, wisdom is not man's ultimate destination, but it is the way “by which” we can reach God. Travelling through life with wisdom, man finds his true theological destination by dwelling in the mystery of the revealed word. Thus, “Wisdom has built her house” (Prv 9:1), living spiritually in people who discover in the mystery of the spoken word the redemptive work of Christ in the intimacy of humanity that he came to redeem from sin. This interiority, understood as the dwelling of the Word of God in the human heart, in its spiritual abode, is interpreted by Holy Scripture, patristic and philocalic literature, as well as by the liturgical prayer of the Church as an incarnation of the Word in us, which we understand it as a food of doxological words and the communion of Eucharistic Christ, Divine Body and Blood, Liturgy of God with us in the Church of His Glory, which is His ecclesial Body.


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Cum cităm

Vatamanu, C. (2024). Knowledge of God – as an inner human experience. Napoca Roots, 11(1), 27–41.