The preparation for the incarnation of God in iconography: the fresco painting “Tree of Jesse”


  • Stefka Petrova Kancheva St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


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Iconography, Tree of Jesse, Orthodox Church, Hellenic Philosophers, Messianic Prophecies


The study explores the intricate iconographic composition of “The Tree of Jesse,” an important subject in Orthodox Christian art, depicting the genealogy of Jesus Christ. The fresco visually narrates the preparation for the Messiah's arrival, showcasing the lineage of Christ, Old Testament prophets, and prefigurative scenes that highlight the connection between the Old and New Testaments. Originating in the 12th century, “The Tree of Jesse” became widespread in Orthodox mural programs, with notable examples across the Balkans and Eastern Europe. The study also examines the inclusion of Hellenic philosophers and the Queen of Sheba in these compositions, symbolising the broader divine revelation beyond Israel. Their presence reflects the theological concept that wisdom and prophecies from pagan sources also anticipated Christ’s coming. The iconography serves as a liturgical tool, intertwining biblical and philosophical traditions to emphasise the universal scope of salvation history.


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Cum cităm

Kancheva, S. P. (2024). The preparation for the incarnation of God in iconography: the fresco painting “Tree of Jesse”. Napoca Roots, 11(1), 66–83.