The Old Testament in Universal Art: The Hermeneutic Act between the Descriptive and Normative Approach


  • Ion Reșceanu Faculty of Orthodox Theology; University of Craiova


culture, biblical hermeneutics, creation, ground, art


The subject I am proposing draws attention first to the possibilities universal art presents in terms of the reception and valorisation of biblical texts in theological and cultural environments. Over the years, the transposition of biblical texts into plastic arts has been a hermeneutic act, understood as an “art of interpretation”. Thus, how the biblical text was perceived became a mirror of the hermeneutic act, perceived as a process of interpretation, in which both the author and the world before them, which they address, are present. This world entails the (post)modern one, about which the great works of art which tackle a biblical subject are meant to reveal their “kerygmatic nature”.




How to Cite

Reșceanu, I. (2021). The Old Testament in Universal Art: The Hermeneutic Act between the Descriptive and Normative Approach. Napoca Roots, 5(1), 51–61. Retrieved from