“Imitatio Dei” – the Old Testament Way of Knowing God


  • Ion Reșceanu Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Craiova




Imitation, Mercy, Knowledge, Holiness, Likeness


Created in the image and likeness of God, man has as his ultimate reference the divine model, being called by his very nature to reflect the character and attributes of his Creator. Man as “imago Dei” is called to “imitatio Dei”. His call to holiness is at the same time a call to imitate God, a call to become like God. Even if in his transcendence God remains unknowable by his being, man can know him by the way God reveals himself through his works in the world. Imitation of God therefore enables man to move beyond speculative, abstract knowledge to a true form of knowledge which presupposes a recognition of God from His works in the world.


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How to Cite

Reșceanu, I. (2024). “Imitatio Dei” – the Old Testament Way of Knowing God. Napoca Roots, 11(1), 54–65. https://doi.org/10.24193/ROOTS.2024.1.4