Monarchy by Divine Right as per the Books of Kings in “The Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to His Son Theodosius”


  • Ion Reșceanu Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Craiova



Neagoe Basarab, monarchy, typology, Old Testament, kings


The present study aims to address the issue of monarchy by divine right in The Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to His Son Theodosius, which, due to its defining role in the most important work of the Romanian Middle Ages, allows one to observe how Saint Neagoe Basarab bases his teachings on references to the Holy Scriptures and to the Old Testament in particular. Furthermore, the chosen topic allows one to also understand the specific pillars of Slavic‑Byzantine Eastern theological culture which Neagoe Basarab highlights authentically and originally in his remarkable work.


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How to Cite

Reșceanu, I. (2023). Monarchy by Divine Right as per the Books of Kings in “The Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to His Son Theodosius”. Napoca Roots, 10(2), 34–45.